Weekend WorkCamp 2022 - 2023

St. Ambrose Youth Ministry's Weekend WorkCamp program starts on Saturday, September 10.

Weekend WorkCamp is a monthly service and Confirmation hours opportunity. We meet the second Saturday of each month (except August) from 8:45 am -12:30 pm at the Parish Center for Mass, donuts and to perform works of mercy throughout our parish community. We work together to help members of our parish who are in need of occasional yard work or small handy man services and to care for our parish campus.  Come serve Christ with us!

If you (or someone you know) could use our help, or if you would like to serve with us, please contact Julia Crean, Director of Youth Ministry or Mike McCann.


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Author Presentation: All the Saints

October 1, 2022

October 25 | 7pm | Parish Hall

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Confirmation Retreat is Full

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The St. Ambrose Confirmation Retreat on October 22, 2022, is FULL.

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Stained Glass Window Restoration Livestream

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On Thursday, September 29, 2022, the Beyer Studio (Philadelphia, PA) will livestream the restoration process of a stained glass window which will be installed...Read more

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