Lightworks: Lectio Divina
Thursdays from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm in the Parish Library
In recognizing the thirst of many for a deep sense of spirituality based on a more intimate relationship with Christ, Lightworks is aimed to bring about this experience in a communitarian atmosphere. The program will meet for 14 straight weeks, in which the participants will share the fruit of their reflection in a friendly setting of small groups of 8 people. There will be printed materials to give guidance for the participants to reflect on passages of Scripture. The overall direction of the 14 weeks of reflection is to attain the love of God in a personal level, and with this direction, a participant will journey through experiences of the Incarnation, the Passion and the Resurrection. The next 14 week session will begin soon.
Please contact Tien Dao with any questions at or 703-963-1075.