Diocese of Arlington WorkCamp

WorkcampWorkCamp includes months of formation and preparation that culminates into a week-long service project repairing and renovating homes of people who are mentally, physically or financially challenged, or elderly. The high school aged teens and adult crew leaders prepare for this with monthly meetings starting in January leading up to the actual event June 22-28, 2024.  Jesus says that the heart of the Christian faith is found in two great commandments: loving God and loving others.  Loving God and loving others is what WorkCamp is all about.

All high school aged students are invited to attend. St. Ambrose will be attending with St. Philips. Please contact Claire Jackson at cjackson@stambroseva.org if you are interested in attending. Our meetings will begin in January, 2024.

There is a cost to attend but fundraising opportunities will take place with the hope that we can cover the full cost of attendance for each participant.

We Need Adult Volunteers

St. Ambrose needs adult crew leaders and contractors to help with projects. Crew leaders stay with the kids during the day and night to ensure their safety and full participation. Adult crew leaders need to be VIRTUS certified. Contractors assist with the projects. We cannot send students without an ample number of crew leaders and contractors! 

Thank you and God bless you!  

Contact Us

Shelley Locke, Director of Religious Education/Youth Ministry

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