
St. Ambrose for Life

St. Ambrose for Life Ministry is dedicated to respecting and protecting human life at all stages - from natural conception to natural death. The group organizes, publicizes and encourages participation in pro-life events and activities in the parish and the Diocese.

Pro-Life Advocacy

Virginia Catholic Conference (VCC) | VCC Action Center

Action Alert: Statement by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout on Assisted Suicide (February 5, 2024)

Led by Diocese of Arlington Bishop Michael F. Burbidge and Diocese of Richmond Bishop Barry C. Knestout, the Virginia Catholic Conference advocates for respect life, social justice and family life and education.

Gabriel Project

703-841-3810 |


A Diocesan Office of Family Life program, the Gabriel Project is a parish-based pregnancy assistance outreach offering practical, emotional, and spiritual support to expectant mothers. Trained Gabriel "Angel" volunteers connect moms to free or low-cost resources such as material items, childbirth classes and moms groups to help them prepare for motherhood. The Gabriel Project provides additional help from Catholic Charities, crisis pregnancy centers and other community resources.

Project Rachel


Projectrachel.arlingtondiocese.qr .200Project Rachel is a diocesan post-abortion ministry offering an integrated approach to healing for anyone affected by abortion.

Monthly Parish Diaper Drive

Parish Pro-Life Calendar

Rosary for Life

December 25, 2024 - 12:00pm
Join us in praying a Rosary for Life.Read more

Rosary for Life

January 1, 2025 - 12:00pm
Join us in praying a Rosary for Life.Read more

Monthly Diaper Drive

January 4, 2025 - 5:00pm
Church Narthex
First Weekend of the Month St. Ambrose Parish supports & provides The MaRiH Center with basic supplies for moms & their babies. Collected at... Read more
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