Music & Choirs


The adult choir is an all-volunteer choir open to those who are interested in bringing glory to God through the beauty of sacred music. New choir members are accepted all throughout the year.

The Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 9 am in the Music Room, Parish Hall. The choir sings at 10 am Sunday Mass, as well as for other major holy days (Christmas, the Sacred Triduum) and special liturgies as needed. There are no choir rehearsals during the summer but those who wish to sing throughout the summer may still sing for Sunday Mass.

No experience is required. The choir consists of members who joined with absolutely no musical background as well as those who are professional musicians. Repertoire is drawn from the whole treasury of sacred music, from ancient Gregorian chant to choral music written by living composers.


The St. Ambrose Youth Choir is open to St. Ambrose School or Parish children in Grades 4 - 8 (unchanged voices only). New members are accepted during the months of September and January.

The Youth Choir primarily prepares music to sing for Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, and two other Masses throughout the choir season. St. Ambrose School children also sing at all St. Ambrose School Masses.

Children are taught the basics of singing and reading music using the Voice for Life series developed by the Royal School of Church Music.

  • Weekly Rehearsals: Mondays, 4:30 - 5:20 pm, Choir Room, Parish Hall
  • Supplies Fee: $25.00
  • Click here to find a printable registration form, as well as a full Youth Choir schedule

Groundbreaking | March 14, 2025


    Jon Laird, Obl. O.S.B., Director of Music

    Mass of the Immaculate Conception