Women of St. Ambrose

Second Friday of the Month | After 9am Mass| Parish Hall

Open to all women of the parish, the Women of St. Ambrose (WSA) nourish spiritual growth, strengthen Catholic social life, offer events/programs, engage in charitable works, and serve our parish.


Baby Shower RSVP & Sign Up


Mary DeSantis, President  wsa@stambroseva.org

2024-25 WSA Officers

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Left to right:

  • Vice President, Meredith Hinkle
  • President, Mary DeSantis
  • Secretary, Meg Smith
  • Treasurer, Mary Ann Munley

Break: December 22 through January 12. Meetings resume January 19, 2025.

All women of the parish are invited to this weekly Sunday prayer fellowship. Join us as we take time to celebrate God's goodness through praise and thanksgiving, to share holy moments, and to reflect on God's Words. Let us gather around to pray for each other's personal prayer intentions. For inquiries, please contact Magdalena Manzo, (malainemanzo@gmail.com), Coordinator. Sponsored by WSA.