OCIA: Becoming Catholic
Are you thinking about becoming Catholic?
Were you baptized Catholic but haven't received First Communion and/or Confirmation?
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
Join us to learn what being Catholic is all about.
Mondays | September - May | 7 - 8 pm | Parish Hall
RCIA Calendar 2024-25 | RCIA Syllabus 2024-25
RCIA Registration Form | Sponsor Eligibility Form
What is OCIA?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a journey of discovery for persons interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. OCIA provides the necessary formation for those who wish to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. There is no commitment required, just a heart and mind open to knowing the Lord more fully.
Who is OCIA for?
OCIA is for those over the age of seven who are:
- Unbaptized
- Baptized in another Christian tradition who are now interested in becoming Catholic
- Baptized Catholics who are not fully initiated (need First Communion or Confirmation)
How long is the process?
OCIA begins in September and ends in May each year. Those who choose to become Catholic are brought into full communion with the Church at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter).
To register, or, for more information, contact Shelley Locke, Director of Religious Education/Youth Ministry, 571-640-9938.