Capital Campaign: It's Time to Build!

It's Time to Build! - Trailer

Did you miss the campaign receptions? Watch the recording here:

It's Time to Build!

New Church Renderings

St Ambrose 0521 03
St Ambrose 0521 01
St Ambrose 0521 02
St Ambrose 0521 03

Contact Us

Carla Yaglou | Business Manager

703-280-4400 | Email

Memorial Opportunities

The Building for our Faith Capital Campaign provides memorials as an additional option for donations. Memorials are a great opportunity to forever honor those we love, whether they are living or deceased. There are no restrictions or necessary minimum down payment. Current list of memorial opportunities

Campaign Prayer

St. Ambrose Of Milan

Father in Heaven, you sent St. Ambrose to build your Church on earth by his preaching of the Gospel. Through his intercession, may we build the parish church we need for the care of our growing parish. Give success to the work of our hands; make us generous in offering ourselves and our resources for this worthy cause. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.