
Farewell, Father Rampino!

June 25, 2023

Blessings, thanks, and best wishes! Stop by the Coffee + Donuts Goodbye Reception for Father Rampino in the school gym on Sunday, July 9...Read more

Diaper Drive This Weekend

June 25, 2023

The monthly parish Diaper Drive is this weekend,July 1 + 2, at all Masses. More infoRead more

Dedication Preparation - Help Needed

Garden & Grounds Club Special Session
June 20, 2023

Come out - and pitch in! St. Ambrose Garden & Grounds Club is holding "Clean Up for Dedication Day" today from 9:45am - 12:30pm...Read more

Dedication Weekend Special Events

June 6, 2023

Join us in celebrating the dedication of the new Saint Ambrose Catholic Church on July 15 and 16, 2023. Dedication Weekend Special Events...Read more

New Church Images Added

May 31, 2023

Images of the new Altar, Rose Window and some of the stained glass windows are now posted on the the New Church webpage .Read more

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