Kindergarten Open House: November 15

St. Ambrose School is hosting a Kindergarten Open House on November 15 at 8:15 am. Please join us to learn more about our Kindergarten and the Dual Language Program. You will also have the opportunity to experience the Kindergarten classroom! Refreshments provided.  Please RSVP by November 14 to

If you have any questions, please call St. Ambrose School's front office at 703-698-7171.


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Lent 2023: Eucharistic Adoration, Reflection + Confession

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2023 St. Ambrose Gala

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Lent 2023: Soup Suppers

February 18, 2023

A St. Ambrose tradition, Soup Suppers are held on Fridays during Lent, and are sponsored by various parish ministries. February 24 - March 31,...Read more

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