National Vocations Awareness Week: November 6-12

National Vocation Awareness Week is November 6-12, 2022. This week provides an invitation to reflect on the idea of vocation, which comes from the Latin vocare, “to call.” No matter which vocation we are called to live as an expression of God’s love in the world, everyone is called to holiness. How are we progressing along that path, and how we may be called to pray for, support and encourage others in exploring their vocations? View Bishop Burbidge's message and learn more about those living out their vocations in our diocese.


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New! Saint Ambrose Parents' Group starts October 26

October 26, 2022

Please join us for fellowship and some light snacks while your kids are in Religious Education classes! The St. Ambrose Parents' Group meets on...Read more

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Help Educate Future Priests

Seminarian Education Endowment Fund
October 24, 2022

The Seminarian Education Endowment Fund (SEEF) is a permanent fund established to ensure continual resources for educating and training seminarians to serve as the...Read more

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