Prayerfully Prepare to Vote

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8. (Early voting began on Friday, September 23.) Virginia voters will choose representatives for all 11 of the Commonwealth's U.S. congressional districts, and also make selections for other offices in some localities. To help you prepare, visit the Virginia Catholic Conference's Election Resource hub at, where you will find links to: a pre-election letter issued by Bishop Burbidge and Bishop Knestout; a Register to Vote flyer on how to register, eligibility and key dates; a Four Principles of Catholic Social Teaching resource. Please review these materials. Share them with family and friends too, and remind them to pray, form their consciences and vote!


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Additional Altar Server Training Session!

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UPDATE: Another Altar Server Training Session! Young men (Third Grade through High School) are invited to serve as altar boys for Sunday Masses at...Read more

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