RCIA Sessions Start September 12

Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Were you baptized Catholic but have not yet received First Communion and/or Confirmation? Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Join us to learn what being Catholic is all about. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sessions start September 12, 2022 and end May 8, 2023. Classes meet on Monday evenings from 7- 8pm in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Therese Ryan, Director of Religious Education, at 703-280-1122 or by email.


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Right to Opt-Out of FCPS Family Life Education

Diocesan Request
October 31, 2022

The Diocese of Arlington has requested the following be made public to parishioners.

FCPS parents are encouraged to exercise their right to opt-out...Read more

New! Saint Ambrose Parents' Group starts October 26

October 26, 2022

Please join us for fellowship and some light snacks while your kids are in Religious Education classes! The St. Ambrose Parents' Group meets on...Read more

Solemn Eucharistic Hour | Exposition & Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament | Recitation of the Most Holy Rosary

October 24, 2022

Bishop Burbidge invites you to join him for a Solemn Eucharistic Holy Hour with Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament and...Read more

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