RCIA Sessions Start September 12

Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Were you baptized Catholic but have not yet received First Communion and/or Confirmation? Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Join us to learn what being Catholic is all about. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sessions start September 12, 2022 and end May 8, 2023. Classes meet on Monday evenings from 7- 8pm in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Therese Ryan, Director of Religious Education, at 703-280-1122 or by email.


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St. Ambrose School Fall Fundraiser

It's a wrap - and more!
September 15, 2022

Please support St. Ambrose School's Fall Fundraiser with Charleston Wrap now through October 24, 2022. Offering high quality items, Charleston Wrap choices include ultra-heavy...Read more

Altar Servers Training

Serve the Lord!
September 15, 2022

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Plant Donations for New Church Gardens

September 9, 2022

The St. Ambrose Garden & Grounds Club is seeking donations of perennial flowers and plants for the new church gardens. We will be...Read more

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