Thanks from The MaRiH Center

The MaRiH Center recently sent a thank you note to St. Ambrose for Life, thanking the parish for our donations in support of its work. Read the note and learn more about St. Ambrose for Life at God bless you!



Latest News

Lent 2023: Soup Suppers

February 18, 2023

A St. Ambrose tradition, Soup Suppers are held on Fridays during Lent, and are sponsored by various parish ministries. February 24 - March 31,...Read more

Lent 2023: Forty Hours Devotion

February 18, 2023

Forty Hours Devotion will be held March 8-10 in the Parish Hall Chapel.

Online Schedule Forty Hours at St. Ambrose FlyerRead more

Lent 2023: Retreats

February 18, 2023

Two Lenten Retreats are scheduled in March.

Men's Retreat | Saturday, March 11, 9 am | Parish Hall Sponsored by the Knights of...Read more
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