Volunteers Needed: Parish Picnic

Can you lend a helping hand for the Parish Picnic, Sunday, September 18, 1 - 4 pm? We need help with the setup, serving, and various activities at the picnic. If you can assist at the picnic, please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b44a4ad283-parish1  Thank you!


Latest News

Weekend WorkCamp 2022 - 2023

September 6, 2022

St. Ambrose Youth Ministry's Weekend WorkCamp program starts on Saturday, September 10 .

Weekend WorkCamp is a monthly service and Confirmation hours opportunity....Read more

Labor Day, September 5

September 1, 2022

Closed for Labor Day

St. Ambrose Parish Office St. Ambrose School

Mass | Parish Hall Chapel

7 am 9 amRead more

Mass for Marriage Jubilarians, October 16

August 30, 2022

Are you celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary this year? Were you married in 1972 or 1997? Please join Bishop Michael F. Burbidge...Read more

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