Let's Do Lunch - Volunteers still needed

Help support St. Ambrose Summer Camp by providing lunch for 25 camp counselors & volunteers. Interested? Click here for more information and to sign up now.


Latest News

Columbus Day Holiday, October 10

October 9, 2022

The Parish Offices and the school will be closed on Monday, October 10 in observance of the Columbus Day holiday. Masses will be said...Read more

Catholic Children's Story Hour: October 15

October 8, 2022

On Saturday, October 15, 10-11am, children can participate in prayers, read-alouds from favorite authors and discuss the faith with Meredith Hinkle at The Pascal...Read more

RALLY - October 23

Diocese of Arlington Youth Event
October 3, 2022

RALLY is an annual event where the young Church in the Diocese of Arlington gathers to pray, learn, and celebrate the Catholic faith. This...Read more

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