Lent 2023: Soup Suppers

A St. Ambrose tradition, Soup Suppers are held on Fridays during Lent, and are sponsored by various parish ministries. February  24 - March 31, 6-7 pm in the School Gym. Sign up if you can help with a supper.

Stations of the Cross are prayed at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall Chapel.


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Ushers Needed for Masses

July 31, 2022

Please consider volunteering for the Usher Ministry at St. Ambrose. More ushers are needed to help before and during Masses. Duties include assisting at...Read more

Save the Date: Parish Picnic!

Food, fun, fellowship!
July 29, 2022

St. Ambrose Parish Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 18, 1-4pm. Details will be posted.Read more

2022-23 Religious Ed Updates

July 22, 2022

The 2022-2023 Religious Education Calendar is now available. The Registration Form and other information about the St. Ambrose RE program is also posted.Read more

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